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Christmas Party 2013 Was a Success

Ghanaians in Oslo celebrate Christmas in grand style




Finally, the long-awaited 2013 Christmas Party came to fruition on the Saturday 28th December.As stormy nice dry weather on the 28/12/2013 in Norway blows dustbins and other objects including our directional street candles around, the Ghana traditional method of Christmas and dinner party was assured. The party, which attracted not only Ghanaians but a cross section of Africans and Norwegians alike, took place at Oppsal Samfunnshus in Oslo, where smartly dressed Ghanaians partied with friends and family until the wee hours of the morning.


 The evening was in true sense made special with ever-green Ghanaian and West African music by our three outstanding DJs; DJ Kojo, DJ Ato and lastly joined by DJ Delambe from Ivory Coast  As early as 7 pm, the DJs were busy at work hitting us with great music that one could not resist but to jump onto the dance floor and just dance off like no one is watching.


 The party started off moderately with fewer people but gradually gained momentum as the night wears on. Different varieties of sumptuous food were served by our unpretentious but perfect caterers, Edna and Mabel; with invaluable support from Bella. The dishes, which smelled great and tasted great, were accompanied with different kinds of alcoholic drinks and beverages. Intermittent sponsorship adverts were shown by Johnny Wagoods, of wagoodsradio our PR officer.


 A special speech was delivered by the President of the union, Mr Richard Asante. Mr Asante, aka Always Rich click here for the full speech,he thanked the past executives for the hard work over the years, and made a passionate appeal to Ghanaians to embrace the union and make it the mouthpiece of Ghanaians in Norway. He touched briefly on his vision for the union, which include among others, the need to have a consular office in Oslo to ease the stress we go through in acquiring visas and other documents from the embassy in Denmark.


 The President also assured Ghanaians that his administration will work diligently with the embassy to promote the interest of Ghanaians in Norway. He also thanked those business enterprises that were generous enough to sponsor us and appealed to them to continue with their support. His speech was climaxed by an award ceremony in honor of his executives.The crowd greeted his speech with loud applause.


It was then the turn of the General Secretary, Desmond Frimpong, to make a speech click here for the full speech. The Secretary made a solemn appeal to Ghanaians to embrace unity. According to him, success is only possible when it is built on the support and cooperation of others.


 The party continued with plenty music and dancing. By and large, the party was a big success; having been the first of its kind in recent years. It was a night of great music,dance, laughter and friendship, and will remain a night to remember.


Make it a must next time if you couldn't make it this year. A Happy New Year to you all.


sec. D.Frimpong.


To check the party pictures click here

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